OPC UA I/O Module for IoT Digitalization: ADAM-6300

AD-ADAM-6300 series OPC UA I/O sensing module with Modbus protocol, linking to SCADA and the cloud without need for gateways. ADAM-6300 is an IT/OT convergence series that integrates information technology (IT) systems with operational technology (OT)—representing a leap forward in smart IoT technology for factories and utilities.
Moreover, through the OPC UA and built-in security IC, data is highly secured throughout the OT and IT levels.

Application: Water Treatment Management

- Secured data privacy
- OPC UA obtains the status on pumping plants
Application: Machine Status Management

- Modbus integrated with existing local system
- OPC UA connects with private or public cloud
- Secure connection to cloud
- High I/O density for cost effective solution
Application: Factory Process Management

- OPC UA I/O Module integrates with SCADA/MES
- I/O data easily integrated with SCADA
- High I/O density for cost effective solution