HF Head with Integrated Processor Unit

HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: RS232
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: IO-Link 1.1
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface: IO-Link 1.1
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: RS485
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface :RS232
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface : RS422
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface: USB 2.0
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface: RS232
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: IO-Link
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrate d processor unit. Interface: IO-Link
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: Profinet I/O (IRT); Profinet I/O (IRT); 2 port Switch
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: EtherNet/IP; EtherNet/IP;2 port Switch
HF read/write heads (13.56 MHz) with integrated processor unit. Interface: EtherNet/IP; EtherNet/IP; 2 port Switch