Factory Delivery Robot: Industrial AMR Optimize Material Movement within Factory

In the context of industrial environments, delivery robots play a crucial role in on-site delivery. These robots optimize material movement within factories, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities. Their ability to navigate autonomously and transport materials precisely contributes to operational efficiency and productivity.
Compared to traditional AGVs, factory delivery robots offer advantages of easy deployment, dynamic obstacle avoidance, flexible adaption to production lines, autonomous navigation, automatic connectivity to IoT devices and in complex and ever changing factory environments, it can achieve centimetre-level precision positioning without losing its location.
The lightweight industrial AMR supports multi-robot scheduling for robot clusters, integrates with lifts and automatic gates, and provides seamless and intelligent services for rapid response at every stage of smart manufacturing.
Precise positioning, flexible route planning
Flexible and accurate obstacle avoidance, crowd avoidance
precise navigation & stable movement
LiDAR-based SLAM rapid mapping and deployment
3D autonomous positioning

Factory Delivery Robot Applications