AI-Powered Telecom Infrastructure: Streamline Network Operations, Elevate Business Insights


The telecommunications industry is at a critical juncture, with telcos uniquely positioned to drive digital transformation and economic growth. By building robust AI infrastructures, telcos can offer advanced AI services to various sectors, from healthcare to finance, creating new revenue streams and fostering cross-industry partnerships. 

Supermicro, in collaboration with NVIDIA, delivers AI-powered infrastructure tailored for telcos, enhancing operational efficiency, network management, and customer experiences. Our solutions enable telcos to leverage AI for strategic growth, positioning them as leaders in the evolving digital economy.

The global AI in telecommunication market is expected to grow at a 41.4% CAGR from 2024 to 2033, with applications across network security, optimization, customer analytics, virtual assistance and self-diagnostics” 
Source: AI in Telecommunication Market Size, Share, and Trends 2024 – 2033, Precedence Research, January 2024


AI-Powered Telecom for Leading Strategic Growth and Innovation



Reimagining Contact Centers

Enhancing Customer Experiences with AI

  • Automated Inquiry Handling
  • Enhanced Representative Support
  • Seamless Omnichannel Experience
  • B2B Service Expansion

AI-powered contact centers transform customer interactions, streamline operations, and offer advanced support, making them a valuable asset for both internal use andB2B offerings.


Streamlined Network Operations

Optimizing Efficiency with AI-Driven Automation

  • Automated Maintenance
  • Self-Optimizing Networks
  • 5G Enhancement
  • Predictive Analytics

AI-driven solutions streamline network operations, enhance efficiency, and improve service quality by automating maintenance and optimizing resource management


Predictive Analytics for Business Insights 

Transforming Business Intelligence through AI

  • Advanced Customer Insights
  • Operational Efficiency
  • B2B Services Expansion
  • Customized Solutions

AI-powered predictive analytics enable telcos to gain deeper customer insights, enhance operational efficiency, and extend valuable services to B2B clients, driving business success and innovation


5G Monetization with Edge AI and 6G Research 

Maximizing 5G Potential and Driving 6G Innovation

  • 5G Edge Monetization
  • AI-Driven 6G R&D
  • Revenue Opportunities
  • Edge Computing

Telcos can capitalize on 5G monetization and accelerate 6G innovation by integrating AI, creating new revenue streams and enhancing connectivity with advanced edge computing and immersive experiences


Supermicro Systems Optimized for AI Applications





Dimensions117.3 × 266.7 × 406.4mm43 × 437 × 429mm89 × 437 × 574mm
Key Features5885 (Llama v2 7B) ɸd LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)5885 (Llama v2 7B) ɸe LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)2335 (Llama v2 70B) *c LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)
Use Cases:5G Monetization with Edge AI and 6G Research5G Monetization with Edge AI and 6G ResearchReimaging Contact Centers to Enhance Customer Experiences, Streamlined Network Operations, Predictive Business Insights, 5G Monetization with Edge AI and 6G Research
GPUMax 1 Full Height Full Length Double-Width GPU NVIDIA L40SMax 1 Full Height Full Length Double-Width GPU NVIDIA L40Max 2 Full Height Full Length Double-Width GPUs NVIDIA H100 NVL




Dimensions44 × 440 × 940mm174 × 449 × 842mm356 × 437 × 843mm
Key Features3401 (Llama v2 70B) ɸa LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)3269 (Llama v2 70B) ɸb LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)3269 (Llama v2 70B) ɸb LLM Throughput (Tokens/sec per GPU)
Use Cases:Reimaging Contact Centers to Enhance Customer Experiences, Streamlined Network Operations, Predictive Business Insights, 5G Monetization with Edge AI and 6G ResearchAI Factories for National Sovereign AI Infrastructure, Streamlined Network Operations, Predictive Business InsightsAI Factories for National Sovereign AI Infrastructure, Streamlined Network Operations, Predictive Business Insights
GPU1 Onboard GPU
NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip
8 Onboard GPUs
8 Onboard GPUs